Pleural Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer, lung and pleura, lung protective membrane known as affects the lining attacks. Pleural mesothelioma cancer is the most common type, about two-thirds of all mesothelioma cases further.
Mesothelioma Lung symptoms - symptoms that are associated with pleural mesothelioma lung and respiratory diseases and concerns revolve around, of course. However, the patient experienced symptoms of pleural mesothelioma is the result of a two-fold: first, the symptoms often resemble the times or less serious illnesses or health problems, especially those with flu and pneumonia copy is attached. Finally, for pleural mesothelioma symptoms several years after the first exposure to asbestos typically do not appear to be.
Mesothelioma, a cancer that should have as latent effects, symptoms develop later, especially after Paul illness and for the most dangerous phases of development, which is in a high level. Pleural mesothelioma associated with different symptoms some of the most common are to:
1. Persistent dry cough that produces little to no mucus
2. The presence of blood when coughing
3. Breathing shortness of breath, both at rest and during exercise
4. Chest pain at times in a row, the costal area of ​​influence
5. Fatigue
6. Fever
7. Or sudden unexplained weight loss
Mesothelioma Diagnosis - Mesothelioma is usually a difficult disease to diagnose. This is because most mesothelioma patients, no symptoms for years after exposure to asbestos will not see.
Presence of cancer symptoms to prove in determining appropriate diagnostic tests, and therefore have not been conclusive.
The most commonly used methods of X-ray and CT scan or a biopsy. X-ray or CT scan, the presence of tumor nodules or malignant pleural membrane is the help in identifying the presence of biopsy or diagnosis of malignant cancer cells can help.
Mesothelioma Prognosis - eg prognosis of patients with the diagnosis of mesothelioma cases prove to be generally good. As with all diseases, and soon discovered that mesothelioma is diagnosed, the prognosis is better.
Unfortunately, most lung disease mesothelioma patients already diagnosed with later stages of progress. In addition, other treatment options for early detection not only for the patient to improve the quality of life, but also allows for longevity.
Diagnosed in the first phase of patients with pleural mesothelioma often live longer than 5 years will be assessed. But the number of patients diagnosed with this disease, was only about five percent.
About 10% of patients between three and five years are expected to live. Unfortunately, most patients are diagnosed with this type of cancer up to one year life expectancy generally will have a diagnosis.